Creating a Brand Kit or Company Logo

Sometimes this can look very vast, not sure where to begin? Send us your ideas, words, napkin drawings, anything to reference and we will connect your logo to your DNA

How can we help you put your logo on anything?

Graphic Design is a passion of ours, we really love when we can bring to life the vision from you mind into reality, or on a t shirt, poster, flyer, cup, Facebook post, tweet, where ever you want it.

QR codes have become another form of communication offering a wide assortment of capabilities.


Open a website

Link to social media

Save Contact details on a smart phone

Display plain text

Send an email

Send a text message

Send an Image

icandyoptial, vintage, QR code, Special Forces Marketing, Grand Opening

Go a head try scanning this code…


QR Coasters

One of Special Forces favourite creations is our QR code Coasters. We are getting more and more connected with our smart phones and the capabilities of QR codes has increased leaps and bounds over the past few years. We can do all sorts of things like send customers to a website, download a file, watch a video, send an email and even an augmented reality experience.

QR Code mixed with something creative and an “I”catching (reference to iCandy) is the newest form of customer interaction, especially powerful when co branded with your favourite local watering hole.